And it is ridiculously simple. It's a cross between a crepe and socca--a traditional french street food. It's made with chickpea flour (socca), but it's cooked on the stovetop (crepe), as I didn't have a proper dish to put in the oven. My twist is that I added fresh basil from my little garden into the batter.
It took me a long time to discover chickpea flour. What was I thinking? It has a wonderful, eggy, nutty, flavor--not to mention that it's really good for you too. The basil complements it perfectly.
Here's the recipe (if you can even call it that):
1/2 c. chickpea flour
1/2 c. water
Handful of basil leaves
some olive oil for the pan
salt and pepper for seasoning.
Beat the chickpea flour and water well. Heat a nonstick or cast-iron pan on high, with some olive oil in it. (Don't skimp, otherwise it will stick). Add basil leaves to the chickpea flour batter. Make sure you coat the leaves thoroughly.
When the pan is hot (but before the oil starts to burn!) add the batter to the pan, turning the pan so that it spreads evenly. After a couple of minutes (when the first side is brown), very carefully flip it over. After the other side is brown), slide it onto your plate and season to taste with salt and pepper. YUM!
p.s. I also had a zucchini flower from my garden which I also fried in this batter. That was excellent too! (In fact, so excellent, that I ate it before remembering to take a picture.)
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